Wednesday, August 27

Cyan and Alice Bios

--Snippet for Cyan's Bio--

RL Naem: Cyan "Nak" Azru
Usernaem: Green_Apple
Age: 15
Style: Clean
Console of Choice: PSX Line /Arcade
Best Game Evar: Marvel vs Capcom 2
Favorite Genre: Fighting
Non-Gaming Passtiem: Gamespot Hating
Best Person Who Ever Lieved: Itagaki
Claim to Fame:
1. Blue dragon level Nak user.
2. Top Tier PAer.
3. Best Dan user in the US.
4. Pro 360 basher.
5. Former Gamespot forum mod.

CurrentPriorities in Lief:
1. Keeping his Dan fresh and at No.1 in the US.
2. n/a
3. n/a

1. MvC2
2. The look on peoples' faces when he owns them with Dan
3. His PC

Not Lieks:
1. Noobs
2. Gamespot
3. 360 fanboys

Wishes: There was more demand for fighters.

Worn Pen of Inking x 1
Godly Stick of the Arcades x 1
WornUSB Card of Insertion x 1
Black Dual Screens of Lite x 1
Tarnished Pad of Notes x 1
Bottle of Water x 2

HP: 530
MP: 40
STR: 5
DEF: 4
AGI: 4
INT: 5
LUK: 3
Gold: 250


So I was lucky enough to catch Cyan for a interview!

Cyan: Damn. You found me.

Aria: Sorry.

Cyan: So, are you recording this? Or can I like, stutter as much as I'm about to...?

Aria: Well, I'll be keeping tabs on your responses--

Cyan: Oh. I guess that's fine.

Aria: Well, down to business, I suppose. So, Cyan, describe yourself in a few sentences. Give us some background and a little detail about who you are and what you're all about.

Cyan: Um, I grew up on SFII. My entire life was completely about that game. I won a few tourneys back in the day. Of course, they were pretty minuscule compared to anything found on, but the skill levels that appeared in those tourneys helped me become what you see here today--a top tier Dan user.

Aria: ...You're not impressing anyone with that title.

Cyan: (laughs) I'm sure I can still perfect game you.

Aria: With Dan?

Cyan: Yes.

Aria: Against my Dan?

Cyan: Uh, that too.

Aria: Anyway, reversaling back onto our main topic here, I find it strange that everyone calls you Nak when you're more well known for your MvC2 Dan.

Cyan: Actually, yeah, I think I'm known more online as a GB blue dragon Nak user than a RL Dan user. It was Alice who gave me that name. I was playing GB nonstop for several weeks, proing at Nak against like, a mob of noobs. Alice came over. My mom let her in--Goddamn--Alice lasso'd me around the neck and was like, "Nak! Nak! Time to stop playing! Let's go outside!" She dragged me off the chair and into the lawn. (looks down in shame and pauses) That was my first loss too.

Aria: Ouch.

Cyan: Yeah. Alice, man. She pwns in RL as much as she does online.

Aria: So, I'm sure, with the few comics we have on, our viewers would like to know what your relationship with Alice is.

Cyan: (With intense face) We're like, lovers. (pauses, then blows up laughing) No, no! We're neighbors. Grew up together. In fact, we're going to the same school right now. Everyone thinks she's insane, so I have to dodge around when I'm walking with her in the halls and stuff--don't want to be seen around a mental case, y'know?

Aria: Really? I like Alice.

Cyan: Dude. Ammie.

Aria: Ah--no--not like that. I mean Alice is awesome. She's got her explosive moe factor and--

Cyan: So anyway--

Aria: So anyway. Do you want to talk some more, or, (shows Cyan notebook and flips through pages) do you think this will even fit on Kanauru's bios page?

Cyan: Uh--

Aria: Well, here's something that caught my attention earlier actually--according to, you're a top tier PAer.

Cyan: Yes. Well, I try anyway. I honestly don't know why there even are tourneys for PA. I mean, really, all you do is step on beat, right? How hard is that? Sure, it might be hard achieving Heavy mode, but at the end of the day, Heavy's just as difficult as Beginner mode; if you don't have rhythm, you don't have rhythm.

Aria: I've never seen that side of it before.

Cyan: Yeah. Which also leads me to think it's unreasonable for PA to be called PA. You either step on beat or fail completely.

Aria: Battery much?

Cyan: Totally. But everyone I play with hates it.

Aria: What about freestyle?

Cyan: What about it? Freestyle is dead. I know you freestyle, and so does Alice--she tries, anyway. But All I know is that there was a huge freestyle scene back in '99 and now it's dead. If you want to be big, you have to keep up with the current flow of things. Like, not to bash you or anything, but I wouldn't continue freestyling these days just cause, well, nobody appreciates it. And even if they used to, they no longer do. Don't get me wrong though; I loved watching freestyle back in the day, but I wouldn't enjoy watching a freestyle today just because I know that there are people watching behind me, sneering at the freestyle, regardless of how incredible it may be. Oh, and I hear the owner of freestyles too. I hear he's like, a legend or something.

Aria: He might be. Alright. I think that's all the time we have for today. I might call you again for another interview, depending on how this one turns out.

Cyan: What do you mean?

Aria: I mean, I haven't gotten consent from Kanauru whether or not this interview will be used or not.

Cyan: ...You mean you were wasting my time?

Aria: I might've been. I don't know yet.

Cyan: Good god.

Aria: Well, I'm about to put this interview to a close, so any final words?

Cyan: Damn. Um, so I hope to see you all on, and if any of you want a challenge on MvC2, you can PM me on Kanauru's forums or something. Shoutouts to Alice and Itagaki. And thanks to for the sponsership money.

Aria: What money?

Cyan: What? Wait--you mean there's no ten thousand dollar gi--

--End Cyan Snippet--

--Snippet for Alice's Bio--

RL Naem: Alice Arhsim
Usernaem: Rydia_Mistwalker
Age: 14
Style: OMGLOLWUT!!111!1!2
Console of Choice: Nintendo line
Best Game Evar: Harvest Moon (series), DMC (series), DDR (series), Fire Emblem, Drill Dozer
Favorite Genre: Everything!
Non-Gaming Passtiem: Loving people
Best Person Who Ever Lieved: Mewtwo
Claim to Fame:
1. Created the world's first Mine-heavy DDR pad.
2. n/a
3. n/a
4. n/a
5. n/a

Current Priorities in Lief:
1. Music!
2. Making herself pro at piano playing
3. Cooking

2. Cyan
3. You

Not Lieks:
1. Pineapples
2. losing
3. people who dislike things because [they believe] it's cool to do so.

Wishes: Her boobs were -this- big.

Phone of Cell x 1
Bracelet of Warding x 1
Shining USB Card of Insertion x 1
White Dual Screens of Lite x 1

HP: 210
MP: 78
STR: 2
DEF: 3
AGI: 5
INT: 2
LUK: 210
Gold: 1865


Alice seems to be everywhere--which I found quite helpful, as I was instructed to interview her.

Alice: Hi~!

Aria: Hi.

Alice: What are you doing?

Aria: I'm here to interview you. I just told you that before the interview began.

Alice: Oh. (pauses) Am I gonna be on a show?

Aria: Uh, no. I'll just ask you a few questions for your debut on

Alice: (Throws arms up)!

Aria: Yes--

Alice: Do it with me!

Aria: ...Uh--

Together: (Throws arms up)!

Alice: Yay! (laughs)

Aria: Aha. Ahem. Ah--so uh, yeah--I have questions to ask you and stuff.

Alice: Go go go.

Aria: Uh, okay, so first off, give our readers a brief description of yourself--

Alice: Awesome!

Aria: I mean, like, give us a few sentences. Tell us who you are and give us some background information.

Alice: Hi. My name is Alice and I'm here doing an interview with Aria. I evolved from my baby form at level five, and I like to cook and play DMC and stuff. Oh oh! One time, I cooked my copy of DMC in a cake for Cyan. And he was like, "Alice, you make strange cakes." (laughs)

Aria: That's wonderful.

Alice: Vizzerdrix.

Aria: Uh, Right. So anyway, you can learn a lot about a person simply through their username. Tell us a little about yours and why you chose it.

Alice: A lot of people would think I'm a pure Nintendo fan, especially if they were to visit my room. And I am, but one of my favorite games of all time is FFIV. I fell in love with Rydia the moment I exploded her hometown. She's just so cute and glomppable.

Aria: She is, isn't she.

Alice: Rydia was the first character in any RPG that I completely maxed out.

Aria: Well then. I've already asked Cyan this, but I should ask you as well: Our readers are sure to have questions regarding your relationship with Cyan. Can you explain how you got to know one another?

Alice: Neighbors! We're neighbors! And Cyan's my very favorite person in the world! Pwahah! But sometimes, like at school, he acts weird around me.

Aria: Oh?

Alice: (looks down) Yeah...

Aria: I have a few more questions for you. Now, about DDR--

Alice: I love DDR! (huge smile) I just started freestyling a few months ago! People look at me weird, but it's fun. I tried to get Cyan to freestyle too, but he was mean and said, "Alice, you shouldn't do that in public."

Aria: It's not really for me to say in this interview, but I appreciate the fact that you're taking up freestyle.

Alice: It's fun!

Aria: It is.

Together: (smiles)

Aria: At any rate, will open new opportunities for you and Cyan. What do you expect to happen and to gain--basically, what do you hope to accomplish--at

Alice: I--(pauses)

Aria: Yes?

Alice: I didn't actually know I was gonna be a part of But um, I guess, I just would like to make new friends and I um, (pauses) I would like food, please.

Aria: Food?

Alice: Like, right now, please.

Aria: I--I could get you that. After this interview.

Alice: Dan Forden.

Aria: Excuse me?

Alice: Hi.

Aria: Hi.

Alice: So do you have any final words?

Aria: (stares at her) Do you?

Alice: Um, I'd like to say hello to and um, hello to everyone who will support the site! Um, I hope to become friends with everyone! And let's play some hardcore Harvest Moon sometime!

Aria: (sighs)

Alice: Okay. Are we done?

Aria: Not yet, actually.

Alice: (wide smile)

Aria: Fine. We're done.

Alice: (wide smile)

Aria: Fine. Let's go eat.

Alice: (wide smile)

Aria: No, I won't treat you.

Alice: Three out of four, Aria. I hate you.

--End Alice Snippet--