Wednesday, June 18

:O Damage Reduction...In Combos!

Huh. I never noticed damage reduction in combos existed until GGXX and MB:ACverB.
Apparently, in an earlier release of X-Men: CotA, there was enough damage reduction in combos where a FP dealt more damage than a LP->FP chain. lol.

I suppose a damage reduction would make sense. After all, if you were able to cancel an attack into a super, chaining the super into a string and into another super, victory would go to the OP, or, uh, the player who achieves First Attack rather. (But then again, no sane player would enter a battle with a character who can't cancel into supers, right? Right!?)

This is a rather stupid screenshot of CotA, since, like, it really has nothing to do with what I've said; at nine hits, Iceman's super had just started--and
if Iceman was played correctly and had chained a few blows into his Arctic Attack, at nine hits, Omega Red would be on his way to wallslam--instead of at wallslam--which means the computer level is at like, noob, and Iceman's controller is a retard executing a special at fullscreen, plus, about sweep distance.